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Don’t Be a Victim of Cyber Attacks

Protect and Defend Yourself with Bitdefender

Bitdefender Antivirus Plus protects Windows PCs against all types of online threats. With automatic updates and upgrades, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus gives you the most innovative technologies that predict, prevent, detect and remediate the latest cyber-threats. Antivirus Plus brings network-based protection, prevents exploitation of vulnerabilities in your system, and detects and blocks attacks from compromising your devices while keeping your sensitive information safe.


Product Description

Bitdefender Total Security is Complete Protection for Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android.

With automatic updates and upgrades, Bitdefender Total Security gives you the most innovative technologies that predict, prevent, detect and eliminate the latest cyber-threats, including malware and ransomware. Total Security brings network-based protection, prevents exploitation of vulnerabilities in your system, and detects and blocks brute-force attempts and botnet attacks from compromising your devices while keeping your sensitive information safe. Sophisticated parental controls allow you to protect your children online, filter content, limit screen time, and even track location.


  • Speed-optimized, cross-platform protection for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android.
  • NEW: Microphone Monitor – know when apps have access; Anti-tracker – keep browsing data private, view and manage which sites can collect your data.
  • IMPROVED: Parental Controls – filter content, limit screen time, and track location; Safe Online Banking – a unique, dedicated browser secures your transactions; Advanced Threat Defense – uses smart behavioral detection to monitor apps in real-time; Wi-Fi Security Advisor – access the security of your Wi-Fi network and router from anywhere.
  • Also includes: Real-Time Data Protection, Network Threat Prevention, Multi-Layer Ransomware Protection, Social Network Protection, Webcam Protection, Game/Movie/Work Modes, Anti-Phishing, Anti-Fraud, Anti-Spam, Rescue Mode, Bitdefender VPN (200 MB/day), File Encryption, Password Manager, File Shredder, Vulnerability Assessment, Security Autopilot, and much more.
  • Your product-specific code is printed on a card and shipped inside a protective sleeve. Open packaging and scratch off security ink on your card to reveal your activation code.

Bluetooth Headset, Wireless Bluetooth Earpiece


  • Bluetooth Version: V 4.1
  • Weight: 0.4 ounces
  • Support: HFP, HSP, A2DP and AVRCP profiles
  • Operating Range: up to 33 feet (accessibility)
  • Battery capacity: 110mAH
  • Talk time: 10 hours
  • Music play time: 8.5 hours
  • Standby time: 180 hours
  • Charging time: about 1.5 hours



Mercury 5 KVA SOHO Pure Sine Wave Inverter 48v

The Mercury 5 KVA SOHO Pure Sine Wave Inverter 48v transformer based with 40A inbuilt charger and digitised microprocessor control LED display.  Designed for optimal performance and the most demanding renewable energy applications.

Provides automatic changeover from NEPA, giving you uninterrupted power supply.  It is ideal for powering fridge freezers, computers, TVs, DSTV, game consoles, fans, lights, tablets, smartphones etc.